When connecting to my database, I'm required to login once to see the files on the server, then again to open the file on the server. Is there a way around this double login?
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Fabrice Nordmannpubliés
8 mois il y a
Hi Linda,
The double login can be disabled on demand, but quite frankly, it's a very efficient way of 'obscuring' your databases.
You can easily add your database to your FileMaker Pro/FileMaker Go favorites to avoid having to go through the 'Hosts' dialog.
On Web Direct, you can go directly to your app by using the URL: https://<yourserver>.fmcloud.fm/fmi/webd/<databasename>
When connecting to my database, I'm required to login once to see the files on the server, then again to open the file on the server. Is there a way around this double login?
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Fabrice Nordmann publiés 8 mois il y a Administrateur
Hi Linda,
The double login can be disabled on demand, but quite frankly, it's a very efficient way of 'obscuring' your databases.
You can easily add your database to your FileMaker Pro/FileMaker Go favorites to avoid having to go through the 'Hosts' dialog.
On Web Direct, you can go directly to your app by using the URL: https://<yourserver>.fmcloud.fm/fmi/webd/<databasename>
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